Due to the Covid 19 safety procedures we would encourage all members to pay for medals and competition entry fees by bank transfer to the Larkhall golf club account this will reduce the chance of any contamination being spread through the club, keeping our match secretary and members safe. Members can pay an advanced amount that will be deducted each time a medal is played , meaning you will not need to worry about having £3 each Saturday or £2 for each Midweek or weekly sweep entries , the match secretary will simply deduct your entry fee from your transferred amount.
To use this facility please send you desired amount to :
Larkhall golf club
Account No. 17658663
sort code. 80-22-60
Remember and put your name and Competition entry fees down as a reference.
You can still use the current system of putting cash into the envelope as you play but only on a Saturday DO NOT put any cash envelopes in the post box outside the club, for midweek medals entry money should be put in a separate envelope clearly marked with name what competition its for and date and put into the entry fee letter box in the foyer on a Saturday.
Stay safe